Wednesday 12 December 2012

Updated Construction of Content page

This was my original idea for my content page as it consists of the images at the top and the features and regulars at the bottom. Also the medium long shot of the artists was displayed on one page.
However this second image shows how I wanted to change the structure of the content page as it thought it would look better with the images at different places and I added the column of favourites next to the main image as it would attract the audience straight away.

This last image of my content shows how I went back to my first idea of where to place the images of the different artists. However I didn’t change the structure of the main image or move the favourites column because I thought if it was  not near the features and regulars it would look different and attract the audience first.  

This image shows how I changed two of my model pictures on the content and I numbered the images as they were not numbered before. Also I had the make the main image smaller as it was taking up too much space. I also changed the favourites to exclusive which makes it sound more sophisticated

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