Monday 10 December 2012

Case Studies

Vibe magazine is an entertainment magazine for the people between the ages of 16-38; it is founded by the producer Quincy Jones. After shutting down production in summer 2009, vibe was purchased by the private investment fund inter media partners and is now issued every- other month. Vibe also has a popular online website which informs readers on information about R&B.
The theme of the magazine is red and black which, is instantly stands out on the white/grey background. The name of the magazine displayed in bold writing to show the design and will not be the same as others. The masthead has a fading affect into the white background which creates a professional and interesting look. The masthead and the background is merging into one, this denotation of this would be has a unique masthead that other magazines don’t have. The masthead is capitalized in black/grey front which makes it very eye catching against the white background. Also, the masthead of the magazine is in large font which can be recognized from a far distance. The image is covering some parts of the masthead which suggest the brand Vibe is confident that the magazine popularity will overcome this. Also the magazine masthead is in black which indicates that it is aimed towards mixed agenda.
Target audience of this cover magazine uses rich and bold theme which emphasises vibe’s serious approach to the music, the lack of colours and excessive use of image allows the cover line main image to capture the audience without any extra writing on the front cover; therefore the audience are drawn to the artist instantly. The main image is very seductive, but Ciara expression is playful and intriguing this makes the magazine appealing both genders. Without the props in the main image and the white background the image speaks for itself. The use of Ciara as the main selling point puts her in the prime position to be considered as an icon.  

The picture takes up most of the magazine to show the full frame of Ciara. The image is a wide-shot which shows the subject more without getting an uncomfortable close-up. The image is very large; this attracts the audience very quickly. Also the wide-shot shows what the artist is wearing. The main image is the R&B singer Ciara- which the main selling point of the magazine. The image shows how the singer is nude only wearing a black heel which goes very well with the theme. The seductive expression makes the male audience more attracted to the magazine. She appears to be holding herself very tight, which immediately suggests to the audience that she might be hiding something. However, this contrast with the main cover line ‘Stand up Ciara’ and the pull quote ‘Not gonna hold to mach back too much’- this suggests that she’s revealing more than what she is on the front cover. Ironically she is nude, so the audience would automatically think ‘what more can she reveal’. However, the pulls quote suggest that she has more to offer to the audience about herself, also the contract with the pose as she holds herself. The make- up on her face is very light as her face is glowing giving more glamorous look and the black hair stands out from the black/grey background.

The content page is spread out and easy to read through which makes it more appealing to the audience. The word content is in a modern and abstract style-which draws the reader’s eye. The word content is in three lines which add more of edgy effect. The size of the word content suggests that this one the things the magazine would like the audience to notice. Also the colour of the title is white which makes it stands out on the monochrome background. This masthead is a V right next to the word contents and it outlined and enlarged. With the word content written over the masthead the focus it taken away from it, however the V reminds the reader that it’s vive magazine. Also this suggests how they really confident about their brand name as they don’t need to write the whole name.
The background is black, white and grey, merging into one. Again the use of no crops or other colours makes the image the main focus. Also the colours make the magazine look more sophisticated and the image more clearly. Avoiding too much colour sticks to the mature and serious look therefore will take this approach when reading the magazine too. The lighting is mainly around the image and stands out from the rest of the background.

The layout of the magazine is very professional as it is not too busy and the colours scheme is very professional. The two columns fashion and features make it very easy to access information. With only two subheading people can navigate around and avoid complications when reading the magazine. The two subheadings are followed by a small list of page numbers. This gives the readers a summary of what can be found on the given page and the use highlighted keywords helps the readers, the keywords highlighted in bold is a feature greatly used in magazines, this is because readers eyes will attracted to the bold text and so they will have idea as to what and who the article will be about and so reader looking for a specific information I.e., a band this avoid them having to read the whole text.

The main image of Ciara is a wide-shot which shows Ciara’s whole body this attract the male audience attention. Ciara revealing her legs continue the initial mood of seduction and information being untold. The position of her body lying against the grey/white backgrounds highlights her even more, and puts her at the attention of readers. Putting Ciara as the main image shows the importance of her in the issue so they attentive as she is clearly the main selling point.

The double page spread uses Ciara as the main image. Ciara is standing up revealing all flesh as she holds her hands to her face. This reflect the main image cover line titled ‘Stand up Ciara’, this detonates to the audience that she stood up is putting herself in a venerable position as she poses nude. However the connotation is that she has stood up to speak and reveal to readers more than what most could have guessed or know from looking at her. The front cover also had nude pictures which continue to follow onto her article. Even though, the pictures are nude it still has a sophisticated look and so it would appear to the audience. The long shot also makes it easier for the male audience to be attracted very quickly.
The second image of Ciara differs from the main image as she is now wearing a white T-shirt which shows the innocence within her. Also shows the playful side of her that she wants to prove to the audience- this include displaying her personality to the audience. With all the images Ciara took, it had a professional look to it however with this picture she is revealing more of herself to the audience. The direct mode of address makes the audience feel like they connected with Ciara. The natural make-up used emphasizes her natural beauty.
The background of the double page spread is black, grey and white. The lighting is mostly around the text and the image is darker to have a rich effect. The use of white associates with positivity and purity, this links with Ciara as she speaks of her new music venture and her accomplishments and the activities while on her break. Without the use of excessive colours and props this produces an intimate mood and the article concentrates on her alone.

The use of yellow on the beginning of two columns makes it easy for the reader and it catches their eyes instantly making them want to read more. Also the colour yellow adds more energy and fun to the article alongside the second image of Ciara which was playful vibe. The word ‘man’ in bold suggest the importance of the word and explanation mark shows how serious she is. The layout is very spaced out and avoids looking busy- which makes it look more professional. The subheading and bold text helps to inform the reader’s key information from each section and so it easily identifies what type of information found in each section.

I will be analysing the music magazine called XXL and Vibe. I will be going to going through what the magazine does to attract the audience, the representation of the artists on the front cover and the audience that it appeals to. Both magazines aim at the younger people, between the ages of 16-38 because artists like Wiz and T.I recent era, which instantly shows us the magazine gender.
 XXL is a music magazine which is specialised in urban music and published by Harris publications which also publishes other magazines for example juicy, king. XXL was found in 1977. XXL also maintains a popular online website which informs people about hip hop news.

The theme of the magazine is red and black which in instantly stands out on the white background. The name of the magazine displayed in bold writing to show the design and it’ usually unique and will not be the same as other. The masthead is large to show the audience that the magazine is clearly “XXL” in size. The masthead is always red, bold, and in the same front and always be in capital. By doing this the magazine is instantly recognisable so people don’t get confused by it with other magazines. The masthead is in capitalized in red front which makes it very eye catching against the white background. Also, the masthead of the magazine is in large front which can be recognisable from far distance. The image is covering some parts of the masthead which suggest the brand XXL is very confident that the magazines popularity will overcome this. The white background enhances the purity of the magazine, which will makes the reader feel like they need to buy the magazine also the magazine masthead is red which indicates that it is aimed at towards mixed agenda.
The barcode is placed on the left hand side of the magazine, and give the magazine a professional look. Also indicates to the audience that people do buy the magazine and it is not for free, which makes the reader consider buying as other are buying as well.
The picture takes up most of the magazine to show the full frame of Wiz and Amber. The magazine is a mid-shot which shows the face clearly without getting an uncomfortable close-up. The image shows the audience how intimate Amber and Wiz look. The image is very large; this attracts the audience very quickly. They can realise who the celebrities are which instantly sells the magazine. However, is the audience don’t know who the couple are they might be interested in buying the magazine to see who the couple are. Also the mid shot show what the couple are wearing. Amber is dressed in white, which indicates to the audience that the innocence of her unborn baby, and shows the purity within her. Amber hasn’t got a lot of make-up and isn’t wearing any piercing, which suggest that the magazine would not be about drugs, and gossip etc. Also, the couple are not wearing any designer clothing or promoting any designer clothing which shows the magazine is concentrated on the couple’s baby. Also the couple don’t have a lot of make-up on which makes the magazine less glamorous and more about the couple’s baby. The lighting used for the image is a flashgun, which makes the image a larger version. The image is also a direct mode of address which makes the audience feel like they are having eye contact with Amber and Wiz and shows the audience how confident they are.

The main cover line is red and bold which makes it stand out from the rest of the magazine, subsequently the rest of the magazine is in black and white which doesn’t make the magazine busy and clutter. Also the colours were chosen for this magazine because in enhances innocence of the baby and the red in the cover line might indicate the love the couple have for their baby. Also, the choice of three colours make the magazine more professional as it is clear and attractive towards the audiences. The main cover line is capitalized to show the importance of how no one can beat the couple. The words ‘nobody beats’ is not as large as the ‘Wiz’ which indicates the importance of the couple again and how no one can beat them or challenge them.
The layout of the magazine is very clear which makes it easier for the readers to know what the magazine is about, also the magazine layout makes the couple stand out and the main cover is the second thing the audience will concentrate one as it bold in two columns.

The cover line is in five columns which are in bold front and its black, to make it stand out and easy to read,   also sometimes the background of the magazine is too dark for the people to read the cover line however XXL have not done this which will attract more readers. The cover line is on the edge of the magazine which makes it easier to find it they having written too much which makes the reader more eager to read the magazine. Also the cover line links to the image so the magazine is concentrated on the couple.

The header presents additional information which will be within the magazine, the use of this is to attract more audience and make sure all the readers are entertained with different artist i.e. as the magazine will be talking about Meek Mill, Big Sean Asap ect.

Mise- en-scene double page spread can a variety of information from interviewers, review or event promoting upcoming artist. In the VIBE double page spread is it an interview with the world wide superstar Usher. The double page spread has given the image of Usher an entire page, with writing on the other page, this convection thought to be very rare. The mid shot of usher makes the audience immediately think the interview is about him. The mid shot also indicates how Ushers wealth is booming within the picture. The denim jacket gives the artist a more casual look; however the jacket is from G-RAW- designer clothing, this connation of more urban clothing. Also this indicates which audience this magazine is aimed at, as only young people would be interested in brands such as G-RAW.  The watch, the cigar reveals the wealth, and the entertainment of the music industry. The mid shot have been thought Mise-en-scene the fact Usher is not smiling gives out a negative environment to the double page spread… also the smoke coming out of Ushers mouth makes the double page spread more appealing towards the audience as they might think it’s ‘cool’. The artist is looking away from the audience which makes it more mysteries, and superior to the other double page spreads. On the other hand Usher may be interested in what’s going be hide him or he might be posing to smoke the cigar that direction. Typography: the background of the double page spread uses background of the double page spread uses house colours such as white/grey which emphasizes a darker mood. However, the greatest light is used around the text where usher speaks to the magazine. The use of white connotation detonates and article about the artist Usher, how he wants to be as great as Michael Jackson. Vibe represents Usher in a very professional, sophisticated and cultured manner in this double page spread, which also represents hip hop/rap genre in the same way as he is a highly anticipated artist in this genre of music. The layout of the double page spread is in three columns which makes easy to read and more professional. The questions are in bold which easy to read and the answers in lower case letters which suggest a more formal approach. The language is in both formal and informal for example words such as “ain’tgon” are slang. The layout of the page also looks very busy, which suggest Usher has a lot to say.

 The content page is in two halves, the left side has subtitles which are in white and the headers are in bold which gives the magazine a more formal look. Also they used bullet points which make it very clear and professional; it also spits the information which makes it easier for the readers. In addition the white writing stands out on the monochrome background. The writing is set in seven columns which echoing the main image also it feels the blank gap without running the layout of the content page and it doesn’t ruin the essence of the image. The white space is filled with a dominating image of Usher, which reinforces the since of importance and popularity. A different form of typography makes the magazine look faster paced. The image denotes a direct mode of adding dress of Usher in a casual look, dressy and elegant appearance. Most of the content page draws more attention towards him as it is a mid shot which concentrates on the face however it is not too close.  Also he standing in position like he is going somewhere important and he’s wearing a fur jacket, this connotation of wealth. However, the clothing he is wearing the reader not relaxed. Also his facial expression looks aggressive, intimidating which is how Usher may want the audience to feel. The sunglasses hide all sorts of eye contact with the audience to suggest how he doesn’t want to have eye contact with the audience which might indicate that he might be scared himself. The dark lighting used to create more effect towards the image and the writing, the lighting makes it look like there is a shadow near Usher’s face. As Usher is the main image of the content page which suggests how he is unique selling point of this issued magazine so the target audience might be mainly fans. Besides, the image will give the readers more idea of what genre of artist in the magazine. The lighting gives Ushers face a mystery look and a challenging look. Most the language is formal- as they use metaphors and effective language. Also other artist have been mentioned which give more insight of the magazine. The caption explains to the audience who’s in the main image, this very useful to the people who may not know who the artist is. The masthead is a simple capital V with a barcode spread right next to it; this gives the magazine an old fashion type writer appearance and looks different to other mastheads. Content page is very different; it doesn’t have sufficient amount of picture and music magazine also at the top part it has the website of the magazine printed in small writing near the barcode which shows recognition to the brand name.
Vibe magazine media kit

Vibe has always given underground artist recognition and those already shining.  Vibe promotes Hip Hop culture, fashion, sounds, lifestyle, new media and business born from urban music.  Vibe magazine has an online website which makes it easier for people to access it more often(
Age: 18-24
Age: 21+
Education: any college
Education: currently at college
Race: black/African American
Race : white
Race: Latino, Hispanic, Spanish 
Race: Asian
Other race

 Vibe mostly viewed by male and female between the ages 18-34. Most people are college educated. Also most of the audience is employed which means they can affords to buy the magazine. Vibe audience is mainly   dominated by African American viewers.
XXL magazine media kit
Male Readers: 78%
Median Age: 27
Median HHI: $47,007
College Educated: 44.7%
African American: 67%

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