Monday 10 December 2012

Plan for college magazine

Plan for the college magazine

Masthead: pink with white background to make it stand out and look professional. I’ve chosen pink because the image has a pink folder which makes it look more interesting and gives it a more sophisticated approach.  The masthead would be on the left hand-side as it looks much nicer with the layout of the front cover.

The image will be a mid-shot which will showing some parts of the subject in more detail  also the mid-shot will allow the subject to show some hand gestures which will make the audience feel more connected. The mid-shot will be covering the whole front cover which will mean the audience can have a clear view of the subject.

The cover line will link with the image as it would be talking about revision classes. The font of the cover line will be pink to make it catch the reader’s eyes. The cover line will be in bold to make the font look more presentable and to make the reader’s read the cover line without any struggles.

The main cover line will be in bold; also the colour will be pink as the rest of the text on the magazine will be in pink which mean the colours are making the magazine stand out more and making it look professional as it doesn’t have too much colours on it.  Also the main cover line will be talking about the trip to Italy as this would interest students.

The magazine will also include a barcode which will make it look more professional and the cost would only be 50p as it is a affordable amount of money.

The content page will have several images which will be linking to other pages in the magazine. The images will on the left hand-side as it would have more presentable and it wouldn’t look busy which would make it easier for the readers to access the images. Also i presented my content page with a lot of images as young people prefer to look at images than read.

The masthead of the content page would be in bold red which would make it stand out as the writing would be in white. The content page will also have page numbers and information about the rest of the magazine and it would include an issue date.

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