Monday 10 December 2012

Updated Proposal Evaluation

Evaluation for the proposal

 The audience have agreed with my layout as it constructive. Also it has everything every other music magazine has such as a masthead, cover line etc.  The audience thought my double page spread would have been more detailed as it looked simple. So I’ve decided to make the double page more detailed and have several pictures as I only have one picture now. Also the audience thought my content page was simple and only consisted of one picture which means I have to change the layout of the content page. I will change the layout to two content pages because majority of magazine have one page which includes one or two pictures and another other page which will consist of what the magazine will include. The audience thought my front cover was creative as I had a very good layout of the cover line, masthead and main picture.
The masthead was called dope; the audience thought this was good as it related to the audience and they understood what they word meant. The audience thought the house style was creative as I showed them several house styles and we all agreed to pick one which would attract the young audience. However, I’ve now changed the house style to another one because I’ve asked few different people which one they preferred and I chose the one they liked- I also agree with them.

The audience thought the colour scheme was good for my genre as it consisted of , black, burgundy  and grey- this because my genre is Hip Pop and R&B which normally uses mature and sophisticated colours. The colours I used were calm which didn't give off the pop/ rock music theme.  They also liked it because the way I used the colours together makes the magazine stand out which would attract the reader’s eyes. The audience said how the colour scheme would make my model stand out as it colourful however; some people said the colours may take the main focus away from the model which was not what I was aiming for.  The colour scheme of my magazine would consist of different colour every issue
The house style font I used is bold which makes it easier for the audience to see. Also the audience said how my house style font looked sophisticated which would relate to magazine as I want it to look mature. My font would be changed to a different colour as people said the colour black looks very dull. So I’ve changed my house style font to burgundy which is more eyes catchy.

 The price of my magazine was discussed a lot as some people thought it was too expensive and some people thought it was too cheap because it included gifts, concert ticket ect which would not be cheap. The price of my magazine was 3 pound which is not expensive as it’s aimed at 17-30 year old- which work so it should be affordable.

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