Monday 10 December 2012

Blank production schedule template

Mon 24th September
Tues 25 September
Weds 26 September
Thurs 27th September

Fri 28th September

Upload to blog

 Preliminary Task:
Mon 1st October
Tues 2nd October
Weds 3rd October
Thurs 5th October
Fri 6th October
 Analysis two music magazine

Finish analysing music magazine

homeowrk: finish analysing music magazine
Start case studies
Mon 8th October
Tues 9th October
Weds 10th October
Thurs 11th October
Fri 12 October
Deadline: Case Studies

Case studies due
Mon 15th October
Tues 16 October
Weds 17th October 
Thurs 18th October
Fri 19th October
Plan college magazine

Photography: Start taking pictures for the college magazine

Start college magazine
Mon 22nd October
Tues 23rd October
Weds 24th October
Thurs 25th October
Fri 26th October
Begin front cover

Begin content page

Finish off content page and hand in college magazine
Mon 30th October
Tues 31 October
Weds 1st November
Thurs 2nd November
Fri 3rd November
Start evaluation.
Get feedback from the class.  

Write up evaluation

homework: finish off writing the evalution
Hand in evaluation
Mon 5thNovember 
Tues 6th November
Weds 7th November
Thurs 8th November
Fri 9th November
Start writing proposal
writing the proposal
Research for magazine stand and write up the magazine stand
go tesco,asda to take images of magazine stand
Finish off proposal; house style research must be finished. Also have the layout of the magazine.
Mon 12th November
Tues 13th November
Weds 14th November
Thurs 15th November
Fri 16th November
Pitch the proposal

Photography lesson ( learning how to take professional picture’s for the music magazine)
homeowrk: pick a location for the photo shoot and ask the model if they want to model for your magazine
First location shoot: location will be at south bank
Mon 19th November
Tues 20th November
Weds 21th November
Thurs 22nd November
Fri 23rd November
Start a draft of the front cover
finish draft of the front cover
Experiment of Photoshop: front cover 

Finish off front cover
Mon 26th November
Tues 27th November
Weds 28th November
Thurs 29th November
Fri 30th November
Second location shoot: college studio

Start choosing which picture to use for the content page

Experiment on the content page
Mon 3rd December
Tues 4th December
Weds 5th December
Thurs 6th December
Fri 7th December
Finish off the content page/ start writing the draft of the interview

Finish off the interview/ chose pictures for the double page spread

Pitch draft of the magazine to the class
Finish off the double page spread

Write up evaluation of the magazine. Blog everything including the draft version of the magazine

Blog all changes made to the music magazine.
Finish off the evaluation/ upload all work to blogger

Last changes to the music magazine if needed to be done or any work which was not complete

Deadline; upload everything to blogger and submit coursework!!!!

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