Monday 10 December 2012

Feedback/ Evaluation from the college magazine

Feedback from the college magazine

Positive/negative  feedback:
The front cover: I like the choice of colour as it Is bright and would easily attract the reader’s attention, as well as that, the picture used also grabs the reader’s attention as she has a firm smile and is holding a folder which makes her look sophisticated.
Contents Page: The contents page uses sharp bright colours which then again grab reader’s attention, and the things that are advertised on the magazine contents page makes you want to read on and discover more.

The front cover: The picture that is used is engaging and relates to the college magazine. The text and the picture relates as well. The medium shot of the photo is good because we can see the background of college pictures making it more interesting to look at. I would say more cover lines should be added.

Contents page: I would say give more information of each pages and what they include. I like the pictures on the side because it makes the content page look more appealing and relates to the information.
Front Cover: Good layout of the titles, but you could increase the size of the main article so its stands out from the rest. The price is clear and quick to notice; you could change the colour of it and position it closer to the barcode. The picture is high quality.

Contents:The titles of the pages are clear but your contents page could use more information about the articles included. The pictures could use some information (what they are related to)
Front cover: Good choice of font blends in very well with the image. Colours used are warm and attracts readers immediately. Not too much writing on the front page but writing should be smaller and at the side so the picture is clearer.

Contents: Interesting colours, very bright and intriguing however warmer colours should be used so they blend well with cover.

College magazine evaluation

For my college magazine i didn’t like the front cover because of several different reasons. For example the font colour was not as good as I thought it would be. Also the pink colour made the magazine look very childish and playful which was not what I was aiming for, and the pink folder didn’t make the magazine look as professional as I wanted. However, if the cover line wasn’t pink I think the folder would have had more of a professional look. On my music magazine I will chose more presentable colours which would suit my background very well.  The colour of my background was very professional and linked with the cover line as it was talking about a trip to Italy, however I didn’t like how the background didn’t link with the image but the background was still linked to college. Also my front cover was very simple and empty and the main cover line didn’t stand out, which made it harder for people to realise the main aim of the magazine- to change this, I will make sure  that my music magazine has a main cover line which is clear and understandable.  With the front cover image, I thought the mid-shot were taken very professionally and the student instantly made the magazine look like it was a college magazine. However, the front cover may have looked empty but I thought that it concentrated on the main image.  I thought the photography went well as it came out very clear, another reason I didn’t struggle with the photography is that I had a plan of how my model would be posing and that crops which I wanted to use was easy to find.  Also my college magazine did not have a header which simply made it boring and made it look like there was less information.  The layout of the front cover was not as good as i wanted to be because I didn’t have enough time to finish it off, also I didn’t know where to place the cover line, so I located anywhere that I thought would look presentable, however that resulted in the college magazine looking very busy on one side and empty on the other side. To change this outcome, I would make sure that both side of the magazine had enough information to catch the reader’s attention. The masthead was pink which I didn’t like but the location of the masthead was professional as it was on the left hand-side. The content page of the college magazine didn’t have information which made it look very empty and simple.  However the images made the content page more attractive towards the readers as it had a lot of images which linked to the college magazine. Also the content page didn’t have much clear space which could have separated the images and the cover lines. The masthead head of the content page was very bold and clear which made it easier for the audience to know it was the content page.  When making my music magazine, I will make sure that the content page has only two columns which would make look less busy and more presentable. Also I would make sure that I only have one main image which would only concentrate on them and this would make more space and it would look professional.  Also instead of using number i would use bullet points which would make it easier for the readers.  The colour scheme of the content page was very bright because I wanted to catch the reader’s eyes. Also the magazine was for student- students are more interested in less writing, and more images- so I used less writing and more images and soft bright colours which would instantly attract them.  Using indesign was very difficult task for me as I missed the induction lesson. However I started playing around with it to see what each tool was, I sometimes had to ask my teacher for help and my class mates. After a while of struggling with how to insert images and using the boxes, I understood how to use and I started being comfortable with it. One thing I found easy was moving around the images and using the colours. One thing that made it easy for me to make the magazine was a plan- the plan made sure I didn’t miss any important thing out.

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