Monday, 18 March 2013

Updated interview DPS

Interview DPS
Gen Williams is realised her second album this November, and Dope magazine has a chance to hear about what Gen will be doing next. Gen has been touring around America, Australia, Canada, Japan and she has finally reached the UK.  Also, gen has won the best female rapping award this October. She was underground before as she use to write songs for artist such as Beyonce, Kelly Rowland, and Mary.j bilge and now she has the biggest star alive! Gen will be revealing what artist she will be working with next and what her next album will be called.  

Dope: So we finally meet the famous Gen, how does it feel to be in the UK
Gen: aww I’m very flattered..I’m still not use to being called famous. I get shy every time someone says something like that (giggles).. The UK is actually a wonderful place; it’s very different from other countries I’ve been touring at.

How does it feel to be recognised by everyone now, and has your life changed since you have realised your album, if you yes are enjoying it?
Well being recognised is very overwhelming as it was my dream to become a singer but being on the spot light is just not me.. As I’m very shy but I’m working it on.  It just happened so quickly- it’s very hard adjusting to my new lifestyle. Sometimes I still feel like I’m dreaming. My life has changed so much, I miss being the normal girl I use to be as I am very busy now but I don’t regret anything and I’m always thanking god. I love touring around the world as i get to see people from a every culture that love my music

What made you decide to finally start singing?
I was inspired by Beyonce as most people around the world know her because of her talent. I wanted to finally become who i always wanted to be become, as i was only writing song i wasn’t really achieving my dreams. So one day I must have made a YouTube video just to see what people thought about me singing.. I didn’t take it serious as I thought no one would like my music. After couple of days the video got a million hits that’s how it all began. Also the support of my family is what thrived by confidence to start singing.

How does it feel realising your second album?
Gen: FULL OF JOY! I really I’m proud of myself. I have changed so much within the years and now I’m touring for my second album which is so overwhelming. The second album shows how I’ve developed and changed throughout the years.  The second album developed by confidence and has motivated me to improve myself every day.

Will you being realising a new album/ single after your tour? & what artist would you like to collaborate with next?
You know i can’t spoil it for the fan too soon.. But since its dope magazine i might have to share a secret with fan bit early! After my tour i will be working with someone, which is very exclusive this year. They have produced a lot of top chart single as well. Hopefully people enjoy as i worked very hard. I just don’t want to disappoint my fans, family and friends.

How does your new career as a singer but you under a lot of stress? Do you have time to spend with the family like before?
It’s a lot of stress as i have to work every day to produce good quality music but I’m more than blessed as i have signed my record deal. Right now I’m touring my second album which is a lot of fun.  I sometimes find it hard to get where I want to without being followed by paparazzi, this lifestyle not something I’m use to because i don’t get a lot of time with my family but my mum came with me to Canada to support me- which made me very happy. My families always supported my choice and always will.

Any relationships Genn?
I don’t have time for personal relationship right now as I’m very busy touring but when there is one I’ll update you on our next interview.

How does it feel touring, singing and writing your own song now?
Well it’s not different from writing for other people as i always make sure put 100% towards that I’m working on. Singing has been very challenging which was probably the hardest thing i had to do ever since i was young but I’m starting to enjoy it and I’m no longer as shy as I use to be.  Touring has probably got to be the best part about this lifestyle. Going to different countries within a month makes me feel like I’m the luckiest girl alive. I love seeing people from all over the world enjoy my music it makes feel like I’ve achieved so much

Your fashion sense is being talked about lately, where have your idea come from?
To be honest I don’t have a clue. Sometimes I just wear what I like( laugh), but the media has a big influence on what I hear and how I wear it. Lately I’ve been inspired by Beyonce- she’s extraordinary.  There’s day wear I just put my converses and Topshop jeans on, I really love the simple look.  
What are your favorite shops this season?
Umm I like a lot of shops... Recently Topshop has been my favourite. Primark is doing some great jumpers recently (laugh) I don’t know what the big fuss is about, some people just hate on Primark now days (laugh). But H & M and Zara are my favourite as well.
Where will your next performing be?
Actually my manager was telling me how I will be performing with Rihanna at Westfield; I’m really excited about the performance. I met Rihanna before at a fashion show but working with her should be really good. Ticket should be out soon, so I hope I see most of my fans there.

Do you think you have female singer competition?
No not really... Competition is fun sometimes but I want to be as big as Beyonce, lady gaga.. so I can inspire other people. Hopefully I want to be as successful as them, and then maybe I will have competition. I want other to be as motive as because without motivation nothing really going to happen as fast.

Do you have any other interest beside music?
Actually I was thinking about starting my own clothing line..since I was little girl I use to draw pictures of different models with different types of cloths. Hopefully after my tour I will have time to start doing it. I like skiing (laugh ) and basketball. I always use to play with brothers.

For the fans that want to be as successful as you what advice would you give them?
I would say stay focused, and make sure you say motivate no matter what happens. Don’t let other talk for you, be a leader. Make sure you do what you want to do. As long as you keep chasing your dreams you’ll conquer the world.

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